Gaetano en América del Sur

Ready, set, ...

First I'd like to thank you all for the awesome party! I hope you all enjoyed and that I said goodbye to you all, because I don't remember the end so well.. so sorry if I didn't say goodbye properly!

Now, this is it. My backpack is ready and so am I! In less than 17hours I'll be on my plane! I hope all goes well and that you will enjoy your year as much as I do!

I'm sad for all the party's, chistmasdinner,... that I will miss with you, but I'm sure the party's there won't be bad either!

Hasta la proxima amigos!




Hasta la proxima ,amigo !
Un beso a las chicas.

en vooral : amuzeerdu


Cheers mate ... Qué te vaya bien !! Buena suerte hé i

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