Gaetano en América del Sur

The last dinosaur..

A long, long time ago I started this adventure far away from where I am now, in Panama City. Back in those days I was surrounded by seasonal travellers. After a while these guys all went back home and the hard-core travellers continued conquering this continent. Recently this kind of travellers started to come back and my kind is dying.. So badly, that the during the last two weeks I haven't met anyone that is travelling this continent for more than four weeks.. I start to feel like the last living dinosaur..

Originally I left for a nine month trip, but as you all might know, I extended my stay already a couple of times. Now I finally decided that also my time has come to go home.. South America has been more than good to me!

My home-coming day is planned on the 25th of August. (I'll try not to change it anymore this time!) On this glorious day I will set foot on the European continent at 11:15am!

To end I would like to summarize this trip with the words of Sir Frank Sinatra. Take it away Frank! :

Sooooo.. see you all soon?!?!?!? Enjoy the last month without me! In the meanwhile I will keep you posted about my shenanigans out here!

G. on the road!




Ahh nog eens een nieuwtje!
Ik zal van de laatste maand zonder u genieten: rust, geen ruzie thuis, plaats in de zetel, kijken wat ik wil op tv enzomeer :)
Maar ik ben blij dat ge bijna terugkomt :o)

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